The Waxwing is one of my all time favorite birds and during early 2005 a large invasion culminated with a flock of 300+ being present at Bracknell, Berks and later a flock of 100+ turning up in Henley-on-Thames, Oxon.They are amazing birds to watch and can be very approachable as they gorge themselves on Rowen and Hawthorn berries, with their trilling calls they are certainly a bird that can brighten any winters day.
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Waxwing, Botley, Oxon. 27th Feb 2007.
The Waxwing is one of my all time favorite birds and during early 2005 a large invasion culminated with a flock of 300+ being present at Bracknell, Berks and later a flock of 100+ turning up in Henley-on-Thames, Oxon.They are amazing birds to watch and can be very approachable as they gorge themselves on Rowen and Hawthorn berries, with their trilling calls they are certainly a bird that can brighten any winters day.
Barn Owl (Tyto alba).
This video was filmed in our garden in March 2006, when i finally added Barn Owl to the collection of common Owls that i had seen in the garden.I had heard the mechanical screeches late at night on a few occasions but had to wait till March to get my first sighting as one flew through the garden and out in to the surrounding fields, grabbing my binoculars i ran outside and watched as it flew across the fields hunting before it headed out of sight.It continued to fly through at the same time each afternoon completing laps of the fields before heading back up the valley towards Frieth.I then had a close encounter with what i presume to be the same bird, as i drove up the road towards Frieth a Barn Owl flew out from a hedgerow and continued flying in front of the car, it was so close to the windscreen i had to tap the brakes a number of times to avoid hitting it.We travelled up the road together before it peeled off in to a adjacent field and i can only imagine that it was hunting and was having trouble finding food in what was a poor vole year.It was a few days later when i waited patiently with my camcorder hoping that it might pass through on it's daily visit that i spotted it hunting through our orchard, i couldn't believe my luck when it flew towards me and perched on the fence in front of me.I stood as still as i could so not to scare it off and marvelled at what i was seeing, it glanced over at me and then continued searching for food, i know that there are Voles here as i have seen them on a number of occasions and the Owl obviously knew that too as it watched their tracks along the edge of the fence.After an unsuccessful hunt it took flight and disappeared over the fields back towards Frieth.
Although not rare the Barn Owl has become scarce and is on the Amber list which means it's a species of conservation concern.Over the last 50 years they have suffered large declines mainly due to degradation of prey-rich habitats through intense farming and a lack of suitable nesting sites.They favour open country with rough grassland especially farmland with barns, and coastal marshland.Mice, voles and shrews make up the majority of the Barn Owls diet but they will also take small birds and mammals.The Barn Owl prefers to lay it's eggs in barns, church towers, derelict buildings or holes in trees but makes no nest, with many derelict barns being converted in to living accommodation the need for Barn Owl nest boxes has become much needed to sustain the breeding population.The 4-7 eggs are laid at intervals to give the oldest chicks the maximum chance of survival during a food shortage, during a good breeding year when food is plentiful the parents have the capacity to rear the whole brood.If there is a bad food shortage it's not uncommon for the older chicks to eat the youngest and weakest chick in order to survive.
For more information on Barn Owls please visit the Barn Owl Trust website at
Monday, 26 February 2007
The Partridge Family.
Red-legged Partridge.
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Little Marlow GP's. 19th Feb 2007.
Back in Frieth i counted 14 Red Kites circling and the pair of Little Owls were sat on the farm roof together.
Monday, 19 February 2007
Red-crested Pochard, Dinton Pastures. 18th Feb 2007.
With Lavell's Lakes a stone throw away I decided to pop in and see what was about, a Green Woodpecker called from the car park as I walked in to the reserve and a handful of Redwings were busy feeding on berries before flying off at the sight of me walking towards them.I entered Tern hide and set up my scope, the lake was fairly quiet and I concentrated on looking for the Bitterns.Looking through the reeds for what seemed like ages I needed to take a break as my eyes started getting "reeditus", a common problem encountered by bird watchers that have been staring through a scope at reed beds for too long, while I waited for my eyes to regain normal vision I spotted a male Roe Deer feeding on the bank, I could clearly see the velvet growing from his head that would in time form his Antlers, he only stopped his search for food to sniff the air and check for danger and when he knew he was safe he continued slowly along the bank.
Back in Frieth the pair of Little Owls that were seen on Saturday were sat together on a farm gate.
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Local Countryside. 17th Feb 2007
Heading back to Frieth through Chisbridge I stopped as I watched a flock of 500 Starlings fly over the car and start feeding in a field next to the road, a flock of 150+ Fieldfares joined them and a small number of Redwings.A female Kestrel flew over and perched on a telephone pole but was ushered on by 3 extremely agitated male Blackbirds that were feeding on berries in the bush below.In the fields 3 Hares were feeding and while I watched them 3 Red Kites flew in to view performing aerial combat, one of the Kites then dropped something in to the field and they all wheeled down to get it, two landed in the field and the third perched on a fence post at the side of the field.Within moments another 4 Kites and 2 common Buzzards were circling above and as I watched them a large pale raptor flew in to view and headed off across the fields, I wasn't too sure at what it was at first but as it came to rest on a telegraph pole I realised that it could only be a very pale common Buzzard, there have been a number of reports of a pale Buzzard in the area and can only guess that this could be this bird, it preened for a matter of seconds and headed off in to the distance. I have seen a number of pale individuals over the years but never this pale.
Back in Frieth the local Little Owls looked to have paired up, I found them sat on a farm gate preening each other.
Little Bunting, Amwell GPs. 11th Feb 2007
Looking out from the viewpoint a Dunnock flew down and started to feed followed by a few Chaffinches, i set up my scope and looked across the strip and as i did so a Water Rail popped in to my scope view, it slowly walked towards the reeds and disappeared in to them.It was at this moment i decided to get my camera ready in the anticipation of a good photo opportunity and while i did so the Water Rail walked out of the reeds and straight towards the viewpoint, it stood below the viewpoint and began it's search for food it stayed for sometime probing in the mud before running off in to the reeds again.
A few Reed Buntings had flown down and joined the feeding birds on the reed strip and within a couple of seconds the Little Bunting had joined them, it was difficult to get good views as the flock kept flying in to the reeds every few minutes, it was if they knew something was about!.I managed to get a few photos as the Little Bunting fed on the floor and it seemed a bit less jumpy, i spoke to soon, the birds suddenly panicked and flew in to the reeds and from out of nowhere a Sparrowhawk dived in for an attack, it was unsuccessful and rose back in to the sky and continued to soar higher and higher before it drifted out of sight on the far side on the lake.Within a few minutes feeding continued as normal and the Little Bunting was back on show and feeding below the viewpoint.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Hawley. 10th Feb 2007
At home a Red Kite was perched on the fallen Walnut tree next to our cottage, i was interested to see a stick clenched in it's talons and would presume that nest building may have already begun.On a similar note i watched a pair of Coal Tits getting fruity last weekend in the trees by our garden.
Aston. 7th Feb 2007
As i parked the car at Aston the first sound i could hear was the resident Ring-necked Parakeets calling to each other and as i walked along the towpath towards Hambleden Lock i soon found a pair inspecting a tree hole together.A flock of Redwing and Fieldfare were feeding in the fields alongside the river Thames towpath and were joined by 3 Mistle Thrushes, Tufted and Mallard Duck were present in good numbers on the river as were Canada Goose.Looking out across the fields towards Remenham both Red Kite and Buzzard were soaring low over the fields and a Green Woodpecker took flight from in front of me, i soon spotted a Grey Heron as it flew over shortly followed by a Great Spotted Woodpecker.
On my way back to Hambleden Lock i stopped at a wooded clearing which has a small stream/backwater passing through it, in the past i have seen Kingfisher using this stream during winter and was also extremely lucky to find a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker while watching Spotted Flycatchers.I waited patiently and before long a Robin flew in to the bush next to me and looked me up and down, after satisfying it's curiosity it continued on it's way, it was then a Wren burst in to song and suddenly the clearing came alive, a second Wren flew down to the streams edge and began to forage in the undergrowth and was soon joined by another, Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits passed overhead and began hanging off the Alders as they fed.As i watched motionless i became aware of a single bird flitting through the bushes with them, it flew in to the bush in front of me and made it's way to the top of a branch, i soon got a close up view of a Marsh Tit which seemed to be eating seeds and i would imagine that it would have been from the Alders.It preened for awhile and then disappeared off through the bushes, the "pitchoo" calls could be heard as it disappeared in to the thicket.A passing dog walker soon flushed everything else so i headed off towards Hambleden Lock.At the edge of the field overlooking the lock i looked along a backwater ditch where a Little Grebe was diving for food, 2 Egyptian Geese and another Grey Heron flew over.Walking along the path towards the Lock a Song Thrush flew to the tops of the trees and began to sing, it's song filling the air.By the Lock a large flock of 150 plus Finches were feeding in a stubble area of the field, including Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting, Linnet, Greenfinch and Chaffinch.
As i walked back along the towpath towards Aston i noticed a flock of birds feeding in the bushes of a nearby copse, i walked over and soon picked up on a couple of Blue Tits and 4 or 5 Great Tits passing through the trees and bushes feeding as they went, i waited patiently in the hope that something good would be in the ever growing flock, the calls of Long-tailed Tits could be heard long before they arrived in the trees in front of me, i counted 12 in one tree before they continued on their journey through the trees.A Marsh Tit appeared in a tree and while i watched it through my binoculars a Treecreeper slowly climbed the underside of a fallen tree behind it, i did a quick double take and looked again, it was still climbing the tree and continued to give good views until it flew to the next tree and disappeared out of sight.I was cursing not bringing my camera with me when a bird caught my eye as it flew in to bush close to me, i watched it fly to the next bush alongside the stream and slowly followed it, it perched up on the bush and i believed that it was another Marsh Tit but closer inspection proved me wrong.It showed a large black untidy bib, dull sooty black crown and had a thick neck appearance, getting a better view as the bird turned i noticed it had pale wing panels.All these point to the Willow Tit but identification of the two species can be extremely difficult and the call can sometimes be the only certain way to separate the two birds, i waited quietly and listened for the call as the flock slowly passed through the bushes and within a couple of minutes the Willow Tit proved it's identity with it's harsh and nasal call.
Once Bittern, Twice Shy. 3rd Feb 2007
Upon arrival at the hide overlooking the lake a number of local birders had already been watching a single Bittern moments earlier and i believed that i was too late and had missed out.I set up my scope and within a couple of minutes of waiting a single Bittern moved through the reeds and onto the edge of the lake, it slowly stalked it's prey in the margins before striking and catching what looked like to be a good size Perch, after swallowing it's catch it sat in the open and digested the fish.I have never had such a good view of a Bittern and for over 10 minutes the bird sat in the open.As all of this was happening a second Bittern appeared further along in the island reed bed, it slowly climbed the reeds, stretched it's wings and got ready to roost.As the light slowly faded they both disappeared in to the reed bed.To see one was great but to see two at the same time was fantastic!.A Cetti's Warbler burst in to song a number of times while i was in the hide and while watching the scrape before the light finally got the better of everybody a Water Rail crept through the reeds.
Burnthouse Lane. 2nd Feb 2007
After climbing the bank to the pits i was disappointed to find a number of workmen crossing through the pits which flushed almost everything except a Shelduck which was asleep and two Grey Herons.A few Gulls stayed on the far side of the pit which included a small group of Black-headed Gulls, a squabbling Herring and Great Black-backed Gull, before long the ducks circled back round and landed back on the water, Mallard, Pochard, Tufted Duck and Gadwall.