Fallow Deer Stag Filmed In The Garden In October.
I took a trip over to Lavell's Lakes, Berks to try and catch up with the Bittern that had been seen roosting in the main island reedbed. As I approached the new hide I met a couple that informed me that the Bittern was on show and had been for sometime, I slowly opened the door to the hide and came face to face with my birding pal Roy Rose who already had the bird in his scope. I quickly looked through his scope in case the bird disappeared into the reeds as they often do and was delighted to see my first Bittern of the year sat motionless in the reeds. The Bittern showed well before it became slightly obscured by the reeds in the reedbed and as dusk approached it blended in with the background and became almost impossible to see, amazing camouflage for such a large bird.
It's always a pleasure to see this elusive bird and to be able to watch it from the comfort of the magnificent new hide at Lavell's makes it even better. Much more spacious than the previous hide it offers views out across the lake and also to the sides of the hide giving views into the side of the reedbeds. Another small viewing window offers views out to the array of feeders that are hanging behind the hide.
Added To My Year List
111. Bittern